Journey Home
My mind, body and soul has yearned to frolic in your truth…
To validate this connection that I belong to you…
I dug deep in my essence searching for you,
I curved dark corners fighting boulders hoping to be next to you…
Take me back to love
Where the lavender dances alongside sunflowers…
Nurturing the rays of love, deeply rooted in our soil
Healing the time loss with the tip of your touches
Stimulate my mind secured in your arms
Melting into your seductive kisses
Tongues tied exuding my wishes,
Calming the songs of my heart…
Where silent nights howl desires under the moonlight; to the melody of our love…wrapped in nude delight…
Disrobe me…breathing love all over my voluptuous body
Awakening me into the reality
That our souls have finally bonded as one, on every level
Making our darkness bliss into the sun…
On sleepless nights it was the 3am glow from your lioness eyes that kept my fire ignited,
I heard your soul weeping for me
and I’ve answered in distance
Directing you back home to me…
We tinkered in silence…
Now we’re shivering in tranquil passion…after a long journey
Welcoming you home, where true love meets the fantasy… By Shana A. ©️
She loves in silence, until what’s deserved in action, to bring her home… No filters… #journeyhome 💜🙏🏾🌹💋
This was my part of a collab with J.J. Celli we read live on her Greatness with Greatness Interview Sunday. Check it out!
Purple Flames: Inferno of Poetry &
Passions of Love
Available on Amazon, Apple iBooks & Barnes & Noble
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*I don’t own the music played just the words*