Broken Reflection
Cracked mirrors of self hate
Exposed of not having the love to cheer others on…
It’s not me that makes the core of your soul ugly
It’s not me that make you feel you need to compete,
It’s not my kindness that makes you hate me…
It’s my real demeanor I’m blessed with,
It’s the fact that my vibe flows down your spine
I’ve tantalized the subconscious of your mind
You hate the glow that I continue to shine…
It’s not me that you hate,
You hate I’m not boxed into other’s expectations
It’s the fact that you can’t break me
It’s the numbers you’re watching
that I don’t even reflect
It’s the love of the art and passion I possess
Speaking boldly of the facts of life that get under your skin…
Or maybe it’s the way that I love her while you’re hoping for that type of love…
Is it the admiration that no one can challenge me to puppet my every move
Maybe it’s the fact that I love another woman that leaves you confused…
Is it the color of my skin that you hate to see winning
Or if we’re the same color
is it how I keep transcending,
I have too much love for you to comprehend
Your hate is something I’ll never understand…
It’s your reflection of you…inner self hate…broken reflections leaving you locked out the gate… By Shana A. ©️