I am the remedy for your transparency…
I feel good to your soul but you keep settling for mediocre…
Amid the confusion our souls know the conclusion,
We are made to meet at the point of time to treat each other as rich as wine,
Growing in the midst of time…
I want you more than you know
I am your antidote,
To all past toxicity to live in felicity
A cure the average mentality can’t comprehend
To start a journey as friends to ascend…
You have my heart in your hands
For you take hold…when you release the fear and be bold,
Having faith in the unknown
I am the tranquility to your soul…
The completion of your erotic fantasies
Numbing the pain as you exhale in my mouth from past agony…
Neutralizing your body
I am the antidote after the party…
Raining in authentic smiles
Showcasing the reality of true soulmate power,
I can love you more than sensual desires…
I can radiate your mind,
Feeding each other trivia of philosophy confirming we’re aligned…
While nurturing your heart with a love undefined
I’m the rarest female you’ll ever find…
Love me past outer beauty, caressing the curves I love made just for you…
Straying away from political confinements,
Growing crops on our own land,
Curing our bodies from the FDA approved poisons protecting the glands…
Good things don’t come in simplicity
Release the fear…take this leap with me,
I am the antidote that you seek,
To start a journey of completion… By Shana A. ©️