They say…there’s something she’s hiding, she’s too mysterious,
I say…I’ve shared enough of my business…
They say…she’s too shy but charming, sexy with intelligence
A forest fire that burns when lit correctly,
Blamed for having a big ego for likes and follows,
In all actuality I’m respecting me sharing my art though,
Did they say what they did in the course of me being me
I didn’t want to drop the dime, you see
My confidence was learned over time…
A rare exotic plant, beauty without knowing,
Choosing to love myself first,
A different type of individual
Not to be confused by a leaf of ego,
I fell back in love with my growing leaves
After years of neglect, I found my identity
Self-esteem proceeded with a healthy ego,
Not conceited…confident, grounded and humble…
The knowledge of knowing outer beauty turns ugly when inner beauty is nasty,
I care too much about my soul’s destiny,
Ego could never control what’s meant for me…
I’m not afraid to speak my mind & heart
I’ll swallow my pride for the right one,
I’ve accepted that I’m not perfect
I’m happy I’m not lost in a world seeking approval,
My stem can’t be cut simple…
I’m loving every part of my feminine leaves
Even the rough ones that define my individuality,
I left behind judgmental critics,
Taking flights incognito…
My personality is enough to feed “her”ego, a hard job loving a Leo
I’m a woman that won’t be limited by ego…My leaves are full of modesty,
My ongoing growth from my own humility… By Shana A. ©️